Cliff & Cheryl Gritis-Georgetown, Texas

Dec 28, 2023

We are thrilled to endorse Janine Chapa for our State Representative. Let us explain why.

In the 2016 primary, we had a choice between the incumbent, Marsha Farney, and the challenger, Terry Wilson. We looked at the two candidates and voted for the challenger as the better choice. The district agreed with us, and chose the newcomer both in the primary and the general election. We continued to vote for Wilson through the 2022 election.

But once again, we have a BETTER choice. This time the challenger is Janine Chapa, whom we have known for more than 8 years. We can say without hesitation that Janine is an honest, energetic and sincere lady with unimpeachable standards. She will stand tall for our Texas Values and help to break up the Dade Phelan regime that gives committee chairmanships to Democrats. She will uphold Republican values and strengthen the Party.

Please join us in voting for Janine by Election Day, March 5. Please also join us in volunteering and donating to this great cause.

Cliff and Cheryl Gritis

Mr. and Mrs. Gritis are long time residents and voters in Georgetown, Texas.

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Pol Adv Paid for by Janine Chapa Campaign