Paul Parker-HD20 Precinct 472, Precinct Chair

Dec 28, 2023

I have known and worked with Janine for the past two years as a fellow Williamson County GOP Precinct Chair. Janine has been an outspoken advocate for Election Integrity, Border Security and School Choice as well as other Conservative causes. She has been to the State Capital multiple times in support of Conservative legislation. However current leadership in the GOP led House has resulted in failure to support GOP legislative Priorities voted on by more than 6000 delegates at the 2022 GOP State Convention. Voters in my precinct are not happy with the lackluster results of the Texas House 88th Session. It s time for a change in HD 20. We need a strong leader who will listen to voters in our District and not just go along to get along. I believe Janine Chapa is that leader.

T Paul Parker
Pct 472 Precinct Chair

Paul Parker is a retired engineer and Precinct Chair for Precinct 472. He also served as a delegate at the 2022 GOP Convention. Paul has been active in Election Integrity activities in multiple Texas Counties. Paul and his wife Mary Kay live in Georgetown and are members of Emmaus Church.

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